Tuesday, 21 October 2014

15 Reasons why you should STOP bursting crackers this DIWALI

I want to start this post by thanking all those who don’t burst crackers but if you still do that, I humbly request you to stop bursting crackers this Diwali. That doesn't mean that you can burst them next year. Bursting crackers might give you some pleasure but just look at what happens to the environment and other people near us because of these crackers. If you don’t burst crackers, please share this with the ones who do and if you do, please take a careful look at this article and then decide if you still want to go ahead with it.

1. They cause air pollution

This is one of the most visible effect of bursting crackers. According to this article, air pollution goes up by 30% during Diwali.

2. It takes time for the harmful gases to go away

           There’s nothing better than inhaling some Nitrous Oxide on an auspicious day

              If there is no rain and proper wind, the harmful gases take longer time to get cleared

3. Did I forget to tell you about the ailments and diseases that are caused by these gases?

Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrous Oxides and many other harmful gases are released because of crackers causing respiratory problems and diseases. You definitely don’t want to inhale them.

4. You are helping to increase global warming

15 reasons why you should stop bursting crackers this Diwali global warming india
        Now this is a bit over exaggerated but I hope you got my point.

      CO2, Nitrous Oxide and other greenhouse gases “Like this”.

5. Noise Pollution

Crackers create high decibel sound and most people feel numbness in the ears after bursting crackers. It can also make you deaf.

6. Garbage

Well, garbage disposal is a perennial problem in India but crackers just add to the existing problem.

7. Babies,  pregnant women, old people get affected

Just look how much this young kid is enjoying the loud noise.
       Now why would any good person want to trouble them?

8. Animals get scared

Why do you want to be evil? Animals are so nice and cute. Please don’t scare them.

9. Underage kids make crackers
Seven year old Nurba isn’t playing, she’s working because you want to buy crackers. Source
That’s true, you are promoting child labour.

10. People get injured
                                           Do I need to show you anything else so that you will believe me? 
                                           Make peace, not firecrackers

11. They cause fires

                                             isn't it obvious that firecrackers causes fires?

12. This isn’t how we celebrate Diwali traditionally

This is how you should celebrate Diwali. With lights, not some miniature bombs
Deep(light) avali (rows) means a row of lights, not row of high noise making crackers. Celebrate it by lighting lamps and distributing sweets and presents.

13. You are wasting your hard earned money or your parents money

 There’s nothing better that spending Rs 100 on a product that bursts and makes a deafening sound.
 Trust me, these crackers are just a waste of money.

14. Bursting fancy crackers has become a status symbol

           Please put an end to this idiocy

15. In case you are very religious, I want to tell you that people are blowing the gods and goddesses

                                                                   Hasta la vista goddess Laxmi
Congratulations! You just blew up the gods whom you worshiped some time back. If paintings of gods by some artists has offended you in the post, this should offend you even more than the paintings.

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